We always arrived quite early, and loved to do this "game" of ours, where we would scout for people passing by on the icy road under us.
When someone would walk pass there, we would knock hard on the window, and then hide.

The whole point was to make people fall on the ice. To make the passersby, turn their heads up, thinking someone was waving at them, and then fall as they forgot the importance of keeping their feet from sliding all over.

We weren't mean. Just a bit mad, I guess.
One day, we were standing in a different corridor, and the whole class was waiting there for our teacher to show up.
Me and Hanne were standing next to a window.
Hanne saw someone pass us by outside, so she knocked hard on the window, and we both jumped down to hide.
Our classmates saw this.
And unfortunately, a few of them had been the victim of our little game.
so it didn't take long before they started pointing at us and yelling "IT'S YOU GUYS! IT WAS YOU ALL ALONG!"

I don't remember exactly what happened next.
I know that Hanne stood up for the both of us and said something about us being allowed to have a little bit of fun in a boring school like this.
And I think I was laughing. Hard. I somehow found the whole thing hysterical.

The mystique was now gone.
The game was never the same again.
HEOAHEOAOAOEE GOOD TIMES. <3 fan så bra haha